Our Life As Runners


Etching it in Stone (well…my foot)

The idea of getting a tattoo never really interested me.  In fact, I will admit I never really understood why someone would want something on their body FOREVER!! Our interests in life change so quickly, so I never thought something would move me enough to commit to it in that way.  I mean I have 9 piercings and those I can always take out.  In fact, out of all my piercings I only keep my belly ring in these days.

As you all know by now, training for the marathon was a definite bucket list item.  Last year, I completed my first marathon and even then I didn’t think I needed a tattoo to symbolize that accomplishment.  I had the memory and the medal and at the time I figured that was enough.  This year was a lot different though.  Running over the last year was my salvation as it has been in the past, but this year it was even more than that.  As I mentioned in my previous post, there were so many obstacles in the way of me training and I overcame them all no matter how challenging it became.  In fact, I stomped through them all even if it meant taking the girls for a 13 mile training run in the stroller, running in the late night hours or crying through an entire run.  This years experience showed me the strength of the human spirit, even if now I don’t believe it myself at times.

Through my journey this time, I thought that a medal and the memory may not be enough to encompass the entire experience and the importance of the life lesson.  I needed that tattoo!  Who would have thought right?  The tattoo was more than running and it may not seem that way to the people that see it, but it doesn’t matter because I know everything it symbolizes.  I realize that choosing to put it on my foot keeps it hidden most of the time, but in all honesty its for me to see and serve as a reminder.  A reminder when I feel defeated and bruised.

So, whats on my foot?  A Reebok, because it was the very first shoe I trained and ran my first marathon in.  Twentysixpointtwo, because well that is obvious.  BQ, because I managed to surpass all my goals this year and earn a Boston qualification.  Mickey Ears, because it was where I earned my BQ.  That is all the simple stuff, but as you know now it means a whole lot more.  Will I get another one? Well, I guess when I complete my first Ultra Marathon I shall see what that experience gives me.  I am almost certain that one will tear me down and build me back up.  Stay tuned on that journey…January 28th is the first day of Ultra training!!!Image

4 responses

  1. Ta$ha Fierce


    January 19, 2013 at 2:06 pm

  2. Ashley Grant

    What an amazing journey you have gone through! I may not know it all but you are the proof that anyone no matter what obstacle may come in the way can do it!

    January 20, 2013 at 2:28 pm

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